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Shared web hosting services are amongst the most popular types of web hosting, primarily because they are extremely affordable. Shared web hosting provides the plan holder with access to a small part of a web server that is used by hundreds of other web sites. These powerful web servers are split into partitions that are allocated to the web hosting customers. As a shared web hosting plan holder you have access to a set amount of server resources. However, if you need to exceed these limitations then resources are pulled from other partitions on the network to accommodate your needs. Although this process may sacrifices performance and page loading times, it gives you the ability to have unlimited plan features such as bandwidth and disk space.
Shared hosting is a very unique web hosting type that usually costs less than any other kind of web hosting plan. Many webmasters get their first bit of web hosting experience by purchasing and using a shared web shoring plan. Shared hosting is essentially a type of hosting configuration in which a single web server is used to power hundreds of web sites that are owned by different webmasters, hence the term “shared” hosting.
Web server configurations can have a great impact on the way web sites perform, especially when the site beings to grow and experience high levels of traffic. Even though shared web hosting is a less comprehensive service, it is enough to run a basic web site and receive internet training with. In fact, most experts recommend starting out with shared web hosting in order to learn in a comfortable and affordable hosting environment, before moving on to more advanced solutions. If you are planning on getting started as a webmaster then you may want to consider shared web hosting as your first web hosting plan.
Shared web servers are unique because they are split up into partitions that are assigned to each hosting account. A server partition is a section of a web server that is completely separate from the rest of the web server. Even though the partitions are completely separate, the server software configuration is the same across the entire web server. Server resources are distributed evenly amongst the server in the event of a partition overload. For example, if your web site is stressing the network’s resources and pushing its limitations, then another server partition may aid in the operation of your web sites by providing extra server resources.
If you are consistently overstepping the boundaries of your shared server partition then you will most likely be warned by the web hosting provider via email. Too much excessive use can result in suspension of service or a hosting upgrade. Many shared web hosting plans offer unlimited features, however there are very real limitations, especially when the server limitations are consistently overused.
The most apparent benefit of shared hosting is the strikingly low cost associated with most shared hosting accounts. In fact, some shared hosting plans cost as little as RS.800 per year, which is incredibly affordable, especially considering the amount of server resources that are allocated to each hosting account.
As hundreds of sites can be hosted on a shared web server simultaneously, it becomes an incredibly profitable situation for the hosting company and the hosting account holder. If you are trying to maintain a strict monthly budget then you may want to consider shared web hosting for your next internet endeavor.
Aside from the lower cost shared hosting plans often come with unlimited features such as unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space. These “unlimited” features are made possible because the size of the server partition can quickly be increased or amended to suit the needs of the webmaster. Shared web servers distribute the server load evenly to keep sites performing optimally. If you do exceed your plan usage with shared hosting, you’ll usually receive a warning rather than a bill, and in most cases, the company will help you upgrade to a new plan.
Many shared web hosting plans will also let you host unlimited domains. Some people refer to this kind of hosting as multiple domain hosting. If you own many websites and you’d like to operate them from within a single interface, then you may want to consider shared hosting.
If you are unsure about your needs as a webmaster then you may want to consider a shared hosting plan, as they are very expandable and the risk is low since the plans are affordable.
Shared hosting also has many disadvantages. In fact, shared hosting has more disadvantage than any other kind of web hosting, simply because there are not as many server resources available to the webmaster. When web servers are shared by hundreds of web sites at the same time they begin to slow down. To uphold customer satisfaction web hosting providers have to keep strict restrictions in order to ensure optimal server functionality. In the process, many webmasters are limited in their ability to build comprehensive web sites.
Even though unexpected site crashes are a rare occurrence in the hosting industry, site downtime occurs regularly with shared hosting due to server maintenance. In order to keep hundreds of sites operating smoothly on a single web server, the hosting company has to perform administrative tasks to keep the servers clean and operating smoothly. When this happens, the servers are reset, and sites temporarily go offline for about 15 minutes to an hour. Such server resets only happen once every couple of weeks during the middle of the night; however, it can be a nuisance to site owners that have a lot of daily traffic at various times of the day, considering the global nature of the Internet.
If you need a comprehensive hosting plan that allows for expansion and fats site performance then you may want to consider another hosting type. Shared web hosting is ideal for new webmasters that need access to hosting for a minimal cost. If you have no experience and would like to start your own online business then shared web hosting may be perfect for you. If you are serious about the long term success of your online internet endeavors then you may want to examine other hosting options before selecting shared web hosting.
In general, shared web hosting is perfect for new webmasters that are just getting started with web hosting. If you need a cheap way to get your sites up and running, then shared web hosting may be perfect for you. However, if you plan on operating many websites, or one very busy website, then you may want to consider a more comprehensive hosting plan, such as a VPS or dedicated hosting plan.
The basic concept is simple: you purchase web hosting services in bulk and receive a hefty discount. You can then resell these services for an even heftier profit.
The purpose of a reseller hosting plan is to provide the tools and resources needed for you to create your own web hosting business from scratch. As a reseller plan holder you will receive access to server resources that can be controlled and delegated by you unto your clients. You have complete control over the software configuration of server, as well as the allocation of server resources and the structure of hosting plans. You can create custom hosting plans using the reseller tools included in your hosting account. You have the ability to brand your hosting company and offer a custom control panel with your company’s logo within your client’s web hosting control panel. You can even rename the plans, customizing them according to any specifications you wish. You may also bundle the server resources with other web-based services.
If you want to profit from the incredibly lucrative web hosting industry then you may want to consider a reseller hosting plan. You can even sell your hosting company after you have made a decent profit with it!
The process of profiting from reseller hosting is rather simple. Once you have purchased the plan and you have access to the server resources you can then begin creating hosting plans. The key is to sell the server resources for a competitive price while also creating a substantial mark up.
As an example, if you are given unlimited bandwidth and 50GB Storage of disk space you could easily keep 10 GB of disk space for your own hosting needs, and then create 50 hosting accounts that contain unlimited bandwidth and 50GB Storage of disk space each. If you are paying RS.3500/- per month for such a plan, and you sell the hosting plans for RS.3500/- per month each, you would be making a profit of RS.10000/- per month, and you would also have access to 20 free GB of disk space for your own use. With such benefits it is easy to see why reseller hosting is becoming so popular.
Unlike other hosting plans, reseller hosting gives you the tools needed to create a hosting company with minimal effort. Most reseller plans come with comprehensive site building tools that allow you to set up a professional site that will solicit clients on autopilot. Every one of your clients gets their own control panel, and you can even brand the control panel and offer custom content management systems as well.
You also get an automated internal billing system that will let you invoice your clients automatically each month, making it extremely simple to keep track of business finances. To add to the authenticity of your hosting company, you’ll even receive private nameservers that make it appear as if you own your client’s web server. In fact, most reseller hosting providers will work with you to create the most authentic looking hosting company from scratch. You can even service clients from around the world, as most reseller hosting plans come with multilingual support that lets your clients choose which language they’d prefer for their control panel.
The key to being successful as a web hosting company is branding and plan packaging. You have to set yourself apart from the other web hosting providers by offering unique plans. Every advertising and marketing campaign needs to be unique in order to catch the attention of a market that is being inundated with advertising on a daily basis. It is extremely important to make sure your hosting company does not look like a reseller hosting business.
You want to appear as if you are a professional hosting company, because most online business owners do not want to deal with middlemen. Fortunately, most reseller hosting providers give you all of the tools needed to create custom control panels and web sites that add authenticity and professionalism to your web hosting business. As your hosting business gradually expands you’ll be able to receive cheaper prices on server resources, which will give you the opportunity to make even more profit.
Domain names are much like VIN number of a vehicle, there are no two that are exactly the same.
Domain names are the identity cards of the Internet, representing the face of each website. In basic terms, a domain name is simply the name of your web site. However, behind each domain name is a process that turns a local web address into a word or phrase that anyone can use to access your site from around the world. Domain name is a phrase or even just a word that people input in their browsers to be pointed directly to a specific web site.
Domain names actually originate as the IP address of your website, which is a number that appears in the following syntax – xx.xx.xxx.xx or 77.77.777.77. A domain name is perhaps one of the most important part of any website, because it is ultimately what the visitor will remember when they try to return to the site.
The ideal domain name is short, memorable and contains no dashes and/or numbers.
Domain names end with extensions called TLDs. The TLD is the letters that appear after the last dot in the domain name. For example, .com is a TLD. Fortunately there are a wide variety of TLDs available, and there are even geographically specific TLDs that specify the location of a web site. The cost of a domain name will usually depend upon the TLD.
Dot com domains are the most common, with .org, .net and .info following closely behind in terms of popularity.
Subdomains are actually extensions of a website that are primarily used to separate and categorize web site content. The address of the subdomain appears before the main domain name. For example – subdomain.example.com. It does not cost money to add a subdomain to your web site, and many web hosting providers allow the use of unlimited subdomains.
By creating a subdomain you are actually creating a separate web site within your site, which can be used as its own independent directory. When content is uploaded to the subdomain via FTP, a new FTP account should be created for the subdomain to facilitate quicker access to the site’s directories and files.
Parked domains are web sites that are not currently being utilized by the site owner. Parked domains often have advertisements on them that are related to the subject of the domain. For example, if you have a domain by the name of “carinsurance.com” then you could park it with advertisements on the page related to that niche or industry.
There are two ways a domain name is parked – either by a domain owner through a domain name registrar or by default. When you first purchase a domain name it is parked by the domain name registrar automatically. For example, if you were to purchase a domain name from GoDaddy, the domain would be parked by GoDaddy automatically, until you place content on the site.
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Web sites are identified by the IP address of their server and/or server partition. However, an IP address is a number, which is far more difficult to remember than a simple phrase. In order to convert the IP address of a web site into a memorable phrase that is the domain name, a DNS server is needed.
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